Answer the questions swiftly, do not ponder on them. Mark the first answer that comes to you. Do not overthink your answer,
this could lead to giving what you think is the “better” answer, instead of the “truthful” answer.
Honesty is the foundation for trust in a relationship, and trust, together with respect, is what make relationships thrive. Therefore, as
you answer the questions, do it honestly. The trust that is going to be a crucial building block in the foundation of your future
relationship, already starts with how honestly you answer the profile questions.
Transparency is one of Smooches’ core values, and the questions have been carefully designed to elicit very detailed information.
The more honest and transparent you are, the higher the probability of being matched with your perfect partner! There are no right or wrong answers. There is nobody to impress. Just give an honest account of who you are, and what it is you want in a partner. Also,
try to refrain from selecting the “no preference” option. We need to know the specifics to make the perfect match. Some of these
questions have probably never been asked to you before.
Please note that your answers will never be revealed to anybody. It is just used in the algorithm to find your best match. Detail
matters, preferences matter, and the more honest you are in answering these questions, the more you enable us at Smooches to find the perfect partner for you!